Everyday Foods that can Cause CANCER

Microwave Popcorn | Soda | Canned Goods | Potato Chips | High Fructose

Corn Syrup | Processed, Smoked and Red Meat | Artificial Sweeteners | Hot

Drinks | Pickled Foods | Conclusion

Do you know that artificially flavored and unhealthy foods can be a major cause of Cancer?

Every day, we consume a huge amount of chemicals in the form of fast food, soda, and several other food items. We really love using these food items as they offer a unique taste. But you must be aware that these foods can put your life at a huge risk.

In this article, we’re going to talk about some harmful food items we eat every day. In fact, we’re going to expose the mega-food producers in this post. So, without any further ado, let’s take a look at the Everyday foods that can cause Cancer.

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave Popcorn contains a specific type of chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) that is highly affects your liver, bladder, kidney, testicles, and pancreas.
Photo by Georgia Vagim on Unsplash

How comfortable it feels when you prepare the popcorn within a few minutes with the help of your popcorn. But many people don’t know that the microwave bags contain a specific type of chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). The studies show that your liver, bladder, kidney, testicles, and pancreas are highly affected by this chemical.

We aren’t asking you to stop eating popcorn during those movie nights. We just want you to get rid of the easy ways of making popcorn because there are some other ways you can use to prepare this amazing snack.


Soda can cause inflammation, weight gain, and insulin resistance because it contains a high amount of sugar.
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Soda can cause inflammation, weight gain, and insulin resistance because it contains a high amount of sugar. Many people are already aware of these side effects of soda but only a few know that soda can also increase the risk of some types of cancer. That’s because soda contains a high amount of chemicals and artificial colorings.

Canned Goods

These cans contain BPR or bisphenol-A that may lead you to cancer.
Photo by Andrea Davis on Unsplash

The canned food can be preserved for a long time but the problem is that the manufacturers use aluminum cans to store the food. These cans contain BPR or bisphenol-A that may lead you to cancer. When the canned foods are combined with acidity like tomatoes, they become a poisonous meal. It’s highly recommended to use fresh food so you may protect your body from harmful chemicals.

There is nothing wrong with purchasing the canned food if the can is labeled as BPA-free.

Potato Chips

Everyone loves eating potato chips as they offer a unique taste. But they can also be harmful to your health. It’s a fact that the potato chips contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, fat, sodium, and preservatives. So, they can be extremely harmful to your health. But the preparation process of potato chips can also increase the risk of cancer.

Acrylamide also starts developing in the potato chips when they’re fried at high temperatures. Acrylamide is a harmful compound found in cigarettes.
Photo by congy yuan on Unsplash

Acrylamide also starts developing in the potato chips when they’re fried at high temperatures. Acrylamide is a harmful compound found in cigarettes.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

The packaged foods contain a high amount of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). HFCS boosts the production and growth of cancer cells but it can’t cause cancer on its own.

It’s really important to control the amount of sugar and sweeteners if you want to stay safe from harmful diseases. And that can only happen if you start preparing food at your home. There are several healthier alternatives you can use instead of sugar.

Processed, Smoked, and Red Meat

Steaks, hamburgers, sausage, bacon, hot dogs are some mouth-watering food items we eat every day. But there are many people who don’t know some hidden facts about these foods. The processed meat remains fresh for a longer time because it contains preservatives like sodium nitrate.

Smoked meat tastes delicious but it builds up plenty of tar during the smoking process
Photo by Pam Menegakis on Unsplash

Smoked meat tastes delicious but it builds up plenty of tar during the smoking process. You are at a high risk of suffering from cancer if you consume red meat every day. And these are not just claims. We’ve collected these facts from different studies.

So, the next time you think of eating processed, smoked, or red meat, you must recall the information we’ve mentioned above.

Artificial Sweeteners

The artificial sweeteners work as a deadly toxin in your body because they contain chemical s like aspartame.
Photo by Erik Mclean  on Unsplash

Artificial Sweeteners have become very common over the past few years as they help with reducing weight. But do you know that artificial sweeteners cause damage to your body? These sweeteners make you crave more sweets because your body’s ability to measure daily calorie consumption is highly affected by these sweeteners.

The artificial sweeteners work as a deadly toxin in your body because they contain chemical s like aspartame. As a result, these sweeteners release cancer-causing chemicals during digestion.

Hot Drinks

Your esophagus is seriously damaged when your drink is too hot. As a result, you may suffer from throat cancer.
Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

Your esophagus is seriously damaged when your drink is too hot. As a result, you may suffer from throat cancer. The scientists claim that 65 C is too hot for your esophagus but you can’t carry a measurement unit with you to check the temperature of the drink. Therefore, you need to develop a sense of how hot is too hot for your throat.

Pickled Foods

The pickled foods are prepared with a combination of vinegar, salt, and nitrates. Your body can’t digest the high level of nitrates and salt and it can damage your cells over time. You may suffer from stomach cancer if you consume a high amount of salt and nitrates every day.


Cancer is quite a harmful disease that puts your life at risk. You must be very careful about your daily intake if you want to stay safe from different types of cancer. We’ve mentioned some food items that can be a major cause of cancer. We know it’s hard to eliminate these foods from your life. But you must understand that you’d be putting your life at risk if you didn’t throw them away from your life.