Get Rid of Back Pain with these Exercises

Hamstring Stretches  | Shoulder Blade Squeezes  | Weightlifting  |  Knee to Chest Stretches  | Bridges  | Partial Crunches  | Cat Stretch  |  Knee Rolls | Wall Sits  | Pelvic Tilts  | Conclusion

Dealing with back pain can be massive trouble. The medicines can control the back pain for a limited time but they do not provide you with long term results.

In this situation, people prefer going to a chiropractor or a massage therapist because these professionals can eliminate this problem permanently. But why would you wish to visit these professionals when you can fix this problem in the comfort of your home?

Yes, you can perform several exercises at home and say good back to your back pain. We’ve collected information about the top 10 exercises that have proved to be helpful in reducing back pain.

Sometimes, the back pain gets worse when you’re suffering from a certain condition. In this condition, you need to consult your therapist and find out if an exercise is good for your health or not.

Now, without any delay, let’s take a look at the exercises you can perform to get rid of back pain.

Hamstring Stretches

Hamstring Stretches do not only help with reducing back pain but they also make you feel comfortable after a long day at the office. You need to sit on a bench or chair with your spine in a natural position. Keep your left leg parallel to the bench or chair with your foot touching the ground and stretch the right leg in front of you with your knee straightened. Make sure the heel of your right foot is touching the ground.

Now, slowly bend towards the stretched leg and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Get back to the previous condition and do the same with the other leg. You need to perform 3 sets of this exercise every day.

Shoulder Blade Squeezes

If you’re experiencing severe back pain, the shoulder blade squeezes can be the ideal option for you. The best part is that you can perform this exercise even when you’re sitting in the office.

You just need to pull your shoulders towards the middle of your spine while you’re sitting on the chair. In fact, you can perform this exercise in a standing position. Make sure your spine is in a natural position when you’re starting off. You can perform this exercise every hour to keep your spine in a healthy position.


We aren’t asking you to lift 100kg because we know how harmful it can be for your spine. You can simply lift small weights to treat the back pain. We strongly recommend consulting your doctor before you perform this exercise. The best thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t only help with relieving pain but it also builds stronger muscles over time.

Knee to Chest Stretches

Believe it or not, this simple and easy to perform exercise can do wonders for you. All you need to do is to lie on the ground in a straight position. Now, slowly bend your knees with your feet touching the floor. In the next step, you need to bring your right knee towards your chest while holding it with both the hands. Make sure that you stay in this position for 30 seconds. Now, do the same with the left knee. We bet you’d experience instant relief after performing this exercise.


Bridges can help with reducing back pain while building stronger muscles. That’s why the therapists often recommend this exercise to reduce back pain. Lie on the floor in a straight position and bring bend both the knees with your feet touching the ground. Now, shape a bridge by pushing your spine up. It’s a difficult exercise. Therefore, you should perform it for 5-10 seconds only.

Partial Crunches

No matter whether you’re in the initial stage or suffering from intense back pain, you can perform partial crunches to reduce back pain more effectively. The partial crunches have proved to be very helpful in reducing back pain. The best thing about this exercise is that it helps with strengthening the muscles of your core and stomach.

The starting position is similar to that of the knee to chest stretches. But this time you need to push your body upward to do the crunch while your arms are crossed on your chest. You need to perform the crunches 10 times and then take rest for a few minutes. Make sure that you perform at least 3 sets of this exercise.

Cat Stretch

Performing the cat stretch is quite easy and comfortable. You must have seen a cat stretching his/her body several times. You need to do the same to relieve back pain. You need to curve your back upward while your hands and knees are touching the floor. Now, bring your back into a straight position. You need to perform these stretches at least 5 times.

Knee Rolls

This simple and easy-to-perform exercise gives you the opportunity to throw away those high potency medicines from your life. This exercise is a bit similar to the knee to chest stretches but there is a little difference.

In this exercise, you need to bring both the knees together towards your chest while you’re lying on the floor. It may be difficult to perform the exercise. Therefore, you must put a rolled towel under your head. Now, roll your body from one side to another while keeping your knees together.

Wall Sits

Wall sits help with building up strong thighs while relieving back pain. However, it can be a bit difficult to perform wall sits. You need to lean your back on the wall while bringing your body in a sitting position. In the beginning, you should perform this exercise for 5-10 seconds. Gradually, you can increase the time to enjoy better results.

Pelvic Tilts

If you’re suffering from back pain, you must consider performing this exercise. You need to lie straight on the floor with your knees bent. Now, curve your tailbone with your hands touching the ground. You need to repeat this exercise twice a day.


Back pain is a serious health problem that affects a number of people every year. And it can get worse if left untreated. Fortunately, you can now get rid of the back pain with the top 10 exercises we’ve mentioned in this post. These exercises can strengthen your muscles while shaping your body.