Common Things you Do Without Worrying About the Consequences

Legs Crossed While Sitting | Feeding Birds | Wearing Cheap Sunglasses

Excessive Water Consumption | Hot Water Treatments | Microwave Popcorn |

Avoid using your work desk for food | Sandals, Slippers… Sick? | Fat-free Milk

Poor Posture | Wrong Sleeping Position

We are free to make certain choices every day. And sometimes, we do not even think about the consequences while making some choices. That’s because we think that they won’t cause any harm to us. But if you think about it, you’d see that some choices can be dangerous for your health.

Sometimes, we unintentionally hurt ourselves in the struggle of fulfilling the needs of our organism. You need to start thinking about your daily choice even if you think they are harmless. After reading the following information, you won’t make any choice unless you think about it.

Leg Crossed While Sitting

You may become a victim of spinal pain if you regularly sit with your legs crossed on a chair.
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Normally, we keep our legs crossed when we feel uncomfortable on a chair. It’s a common habit that short people often follow. The studies show that you may become a victim of spinal pain if you regularly sit with your legs crossed on a chair. It can also lead you to several other diseases like nerve damage, pelvic imbalance, varicose veins, and high blood pressure.

Feeding Birds

Birds may contain several diseases like rabbit fever, listeriosis, salmonellosis, etc.
Photo by Caitlyn Wilson on Unsplash

You must be thinking about what can be wrong with feeling foods. In fact, it’s a very cute thing, isn’t it? People think that we teach a great lesson sharing and caring for our kids when we feed the birds. But many people don’t know that the city birds may contain several diseases like rabbit fever, listeriosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, ornithosis, tuberculosis, Newcastle disease, histoplasmosis, and toxoplasmosis. And they can easily transfer this disease to you if you got in touch with them.

Wearing Cheap Sunglasses

Cheap sunglasses can't protect us against the sun because they are made of low quality plastic.
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

It looks amazing when you can get plenty of cheap sunglasses to wear a unique look whenever taking a selfie. The problem with cheap sunglasses is that they don’t protect against the sun because they are made of low quality plastic. In some conditions, these sunglasses can get a double dose of UV rays and they can even make your pupils dilate. You may suffer from cataracts, retinal burns, or even cancer if you regularly wear cheap sunglasses.

Excessive Water Consumption

Excessive water can damage the performance of your organism.
Photo by henri meilhac on Unsplash

You must have heard a lot of health experts saying that you should drink plenty of water every day. But you need to understand that you shouldn’t drink excessive water as it can damage the performance of your organism. There is no need to force yourself to drink excessive water if you haven’t performed any tough exercise or if the temperature is normal.

Hot Water Treatments

Do you use the hot water bag whenever you feel pain in a part of the body?

If the abdomen pain is caused by pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and appendicitis, hot water treatment can be extremely dangerous for you. Similarly, you shouldn’t use hot water treatment for an injury or in case of bleeding.

Microwave Popcorn

Microwaveable popcorns contain a chemical called diacetyl that can damage your lungs when it’s heated. .
Photo by Georgia Vagimon Unsplash

There is no need to exclude microwaves from your life because it’s important for your daily routine. But you should avoid eating microwaveable popcorns because they contain a chemical called diacetyl. This chemical can damage your lungs when it’s heated. However, you can wait for the popcorn to cool down so you may reduce the risk.

Avoid using your desk for food

Your work desk contains plenty of germs and bacteria.
Photo by Nielsen Ramon on Unsplash

You can save some time when you use your work desk for food. But the studies show that your organism is hurt when you use your work desk for food. Your stomach finds a problem with digesting the food when you’re focused on something else. Similarly, your work desk contains plenty of germs and bacteria. Therefore, you should avoid eating on your work desk.

Sandals, Slippers…Sick?

You’re at a high risk of getting infected if you continue wearing sandals that are biting your feet.
Photo by LumenSoft Technologies on Unsplash

Some sandals and slippers raise the possibility of getting infections or diseases by leaving your feet almost bare. You will bring plenty of dirt to your home that is filled with bacteria and germs. You’re at a high risk of getting infected if you continue wearing sandals that are biting your feet.

Fat-free Milk

Fat-free milk contains milk powder that can cause cardiovascular problems and oxidize the cholesterol.
Photo by Mehrshad Rajabi on Unsplash

It’s a common concept that fat-free milk is good for our health. But many people don’t know that fat-free milk doesn’t contain the vitamins. Fat-free milk can also cause cardiovascular problems and oxidize the cholesterol because it contains milk powder in it.

Poor Posture

A wrong posture can seriously damage our health over time.
Photo by Luke Porter on Unsplash

A wrong posture can seriously damage our health over time. And it can be hard to fix those issues. Spinal pain is just the beginning while there are several other problems you’d have to face later. Therefore, you must focus on adjusting your chair instead of adjusting your spine.

Wrong Sleeping Position

Sleeping in a wrong position can also cause serious damage to your health.
Photo by Hamza Bounaim on Unsplash

Sleeping in a wrong position can also cause serious damage to your health. You may suffer from muscle and spinal problems as well as stomach, lung, and heart issues. You must try to sleep on your back as it keeps your body in a better position. However, if you have breathing problems, you can change your posture a little bit.