Foods You shouldn’t eat After Age 30

Sugar | Artificial Sweeteners | Alcohol | Caffeine | Brominated Vegetable Oil |  White Flour |  Partially Hydrogenated Oils and Transfats | Processed Meats |  Salt | Coffee Creamer | Microwavable and Canned Meals | Condiments | Soy

So, you believe in the fact that life begins after thirty?

Well, that might be correct but you must combine it with another fact that the strict responsibilities also begin after thirty. It doesn’t only include the responsibility of your family but it also includes the responsibility of your health.

Our body goes through certain changes after the age of 30. So, you must be prepared to handle those changes more intelligently. It’s an admitted fact that our health is directly associated with our diet. It means we can slow down the aging process if we eliminate the harmful ingredients from our diet.

Here is the list of 13 food items you must avoid taking after age 30.

1. Sugar

Doughnuts contain high amount of sugar which may lead to insulin resistance.
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

When you grow thirty, your organism faces problems with processing sugar because your metabolism slows down at this part of life. So, when you consume the extra amount of sugar, your body starts depositing it to your hips, stomach, and other parts of the body.

Excessive use of sugar leads to insulin resistance due to which you may suffer from infertility. You should also be prepared to welcome wrinkles if you’re consuming more sugar after thirty.

2. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial juices is one of the examples of Artificial Sweeteners you shouldn't drink after age 30.
Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

If you think the artificial sweeteners don’t cause enough damage to your body, you must be mistaken. Your body cannot regulate hunger when you consume products with artificial sweeteners because they do not provide calories to your body. You may have to suffer from elevated glucose levels and poor insulin response if you use sweeteners.

There are several other consequences you won’t be able to avoid such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and Fat storage.

3. Alcohol

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Alcohol leaves a bad impact on your organism because it contains a high amount of calories. And your body doesn’t have the ability to burn off all the calories. Alcohol isn’t your only enemy that contains a high amount of calories but the coffee also makes the same impact.

4. Caffeine

Caffeine builds extra fat in your body.
Photo by mike-kenneally- on Unsplash

Your daily cup of coffee contains a significant amount of sugars and chemicals. Caffeine seriously affects the quality of your sleep. Moreover, the aging process gets fast when you consume an extra amount of caffeine. You might not now but caffeine also builds extra fat in your body.

5. Brominated Vegetable Oil

Brominated Vegetable Oil that can also found in clear soda can affect your thyroid or fertility concerns.
Photo by Vijeshwar Datt on Unsplash

Brominated Vegetable Oil is your worst enemy if your thyroid or fertility concerns. It means you should also stay away from clear sodas. You may also suffer from internal inflammation, memory loss, and nerve problems if you consume BVO regularly.

6. White Flour

White Flour like delicious sandwiches can add extra fat to your body, you should start using whole grains.
Photo by Peter Lewicki on Unsplash

Unfortunately, you should now say goodbye to those delicious sandwiches. It won’t add any value to your health anymore. In fact, it will now add extra fat to your body. When you grow old, you should start using whole grains like rice, corn, and wheat. We know they don’t taste as good as white flour. But they are really good for your health.

7. Partially Hydronated Oils and Transfats

You’d have to suffer from chronic inflammation if you use partially hydrogenated vegetable oils because they leave a serious impact on your heart. These ingredients can also affect memory and brain function while lowering fertility for men. We recommend using butter instead as it can improve your health.

8. Processed Meats

Processed meats like sausage, hotdogs and other similar may lead you to severe cancer.
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

Do you find processed meat more appetizing? Well, that’s because they contain nitrates. You might be surprised to know that processed meat may lead you to a severe form of cancer. Your heart and waistline are directly affected by processed meat because it contains a high amount of saturated fats and sodium. You must start taking care of your body and get rid of the processed meat as soon as you can.

9. Salt

Processed foods and canned foods are big source of salt.
Photo by Davy De Groote on Unsplash

We know it’s impossible to live without salt and you can’t eliminate it from your life completely. But what about reducing the amount of salt in your daily routine? Well, we’re pretty sure you can do that. Because if you didn’t reduce the amount of salt in your food, you’d have to face some serious consequences. The processed food and canned food are a big source of salt. So, you can eliminate these foods from your life.

10. Coffee Creamer

Creamers can be very dangerous for your heart, hormones, brain function, and joints because they are made of Trans fats.
Photo by Brenna Huff on Unsplash

Your coffee looks amazing when you add coffee creamer. In fact, some people think it tastes differently. But do you know it can cause serious damage to your health?

Creamers can be very dangerous for your heart, hormones, brain function, and joints because they are made of Trans fats. Now that you’ve turned 30, you should start consuming something healthy.

11. Microwavable and Canned Meals

Canned meals come with tons of harmful chemicals and they can make your life miserable over time.
Photo by congy yuan on Unsplash

We know you have quite a busy life and you don’t have enough time to cook your meal. But would you sacrifice your health for the sake of money? The Canned meals come with tons of harmful chemicals and they can make your life miserable over time. Therefore, you should start cooking the meal on your own as it will bring you a lot of health benefits in the long run.

12. Condiments

Mayo, soy sauce, ketchup, and other similar condiments can badly affect your health.
Photo by GoodEats YQR on Unsplash

Who doesn’t like having mayo, soy sauce, ketchup, and other similar condiments? But you don’t know that these condiments contain all the ingredients we’ve mentioned in this list. So, you can make an estimate of how badly they can affect your health.

13. Soy

Soy oils may stimulate breast cancer cells, trigger headaches, and increase memory problems.
Photo by Vijeshwar Datt on Unsplash

Here we’re specifically talking about soy oils and filler. But if you take cooked and organic soybeans, there is nothing wrong with it. The problem with soy oils is that they may stimulate breast cancer cells, trigger headaches, and increase memory problems.

Currently, there is no scientific proof about whether it’s bad for your health or not, you should avoid using it as long as you can.